The Roo-Box will sleep 8 roosters comfortably. Keep in mind that exceeding this will require the roosters know each other. This will help prevent fights which could lead to possible injury or death.
The Incu-Brooder can hold up to 330 eggs and brood the hatchlings for a few weeks. The more birds you hatch the less time you will have in the brooder as space will become an issue as they grow.
Chicken Feed
We recommend our Chick Feed for a mixed aged flock. Supplemental calcium carbonate or oyster shell can be placed in a separate container for your laying hens. A container with grit should be provided at all times.
None of our feed is medicated, however we add herbs to our feed to help boost immunity and get the chicks off to a healthy start.
While fermenting is not necessary, it does optimize the available nutrition of the feed. If you chose not to ferment the feed know that there will be powder or fines left in the feed dish. Mixing these fines with a little water will make them palatable to your flock.
We recommend starting at 1/4 cup per adult bird a day and adjusting if needed. Our birds will only eat 1/4 cup a day during the colder months here in Florida and less as the weather gets hotter.
Yes, roosters can be fed our layer feed.
Black Soldier Fly Composter
They will eat just about anything. They like junk food and coffee grounds, cooked food and bread. They can also be fed chicken, rabbit manure. Play around with what you give them and see how fast it disappears. You will quickly know what gets the best results.
Yes. The larvae in the catch bin are a perfect feed supplement for your flock and can reduce the amount of feed consumed daily. The larvae can also be baked to get rid of any possible pathogens and leave them dry for storage. Place the larvae on a baking tray and cover to keep them in place. bake at 350 degrees for an hour. Allow them to cool fully before placing into storage container. They are loaded with protein and calcium, and the birds go crazy for them.