What fillers? We selected a variety of grains for a wholesome mix. Most commercial feeds have just one grain, along with soy. More often than not, the grains are low-quality fillers. We never use fillers. Our grains are food grade and organic. Lots of protein, No synthetics. Organic pumpkin seeds...
Avril’s Finest started with a trip to the local feed store. We were there for dog food and nothing whatsoever to do with chickens. My daughter who was home sick, asked to tag along. A quick trip by myself turned into a family trip with my wife and daughter in...
Many plant based foods have enzymes in them that block the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Fermenting, soaking or cooking break down these enzymes helping us obtain the nutrients we need from these foods. Grains contain many nutrient blocking enzymes. Our goal is to provide better nutrition for our flocks,...